The Ways of Our Kind
This week's creative project for digital storytelling was SO MUCH FUN, YOU GUYS!!! Not finding any assignments that stood out to me in...

Collecting & Reflecting
Students and artists create collections of work that becomes a portfolio to represent their work. My weekly creative assignment on...

Let's Take A Journey
Wexford, Ireland As part of my exploration of heritage conservation through digital storytelling, I have largely focused on stories that...

Belmont Plaza & Skateboarding Heritage
Late last year, the Belmont Plaza Olympic Pool was demolished due to structural concerns. Long Beach preservationists and...

Somerset, Wisconsin
Good 'ole Somerset, Wisconsin. My home for the first 18 years of my life. Ninety five percent of the kids I graduated from high school...
Tangram Mandala Kaleidoscope
It all started with a set of magnetic tangram pieces. You remember the Tangram puzzles right? I had one in elementary school that was...

Heritage Conservation: Celebrating Culture and Designed Spaces Through Adaptive Reuse
#DS106 #VisualAssignments #VisualAssignments1701 When I saw this assignment in the DS106 bank, I immediately knew what photo I wanted to...

The Daily Create//A Drawing Using Only One Shape
The circle has meaning across the many cultures of the world. For some, the circle represents wholeness, centering, and unity. Others see...

Color and Perception
I recently created a podcast about color, and specifically about our unique perceptions of color based on our individual physical and...