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The Ways of Our Kind

This week's creative project for digital storytelling was SO MUCH FUN, YOU GUYS!!! Not finding any assignments that stood out to me in relation to my focal theme of heritage conservation, I came across a #writingassignment called Sharing Credit. What wonderful timing to take the plunge on a collaborative assignment, aligning in serendipitous ways with our readings on social learning platforms.

After reaching out on Twitter early Tuesday morning to find some collaborators, I set up a google document for us to write our story. We fell into a nice rhythm of writing a sentence or two apiece, and used the built-in chat feature to have real-time discussions. We also utilized the comments feature of the program to collaborate, and began leaving notes about the storyline asking for feedback or suggestions. With a 'deadline' of Thursday afternoon to 'finish' our story, we made a final push on Thursday morning to finish up. In two days, we wrote a story that I am really excited about, and truly proud of. So excited, in fact, that we have already discussed writing Part 2!

Our story is quite fantastical, and to my delight also incorporates some traditional folklore and mythological elements due to the epic suggestion of a collaborator (thank you, Lisa!!). We are retelling the stories of our shared humanity in a fun and innovative way. Our story will be part of the #ds106 and #cudenver15 heritage.

I hope you will take a few minutes to read it, and let us know what you think!

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